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gas flue中文是什么意思

用"gas flue"造句"gas flue"怎么读"gas flue" in a sentence


  • 煤气管道
  • 煤气通道
  • 通气道


  • Butterfly valves for gas flue
  • It tell us : the abrasive capability of fly ash ; the similar calculation of ash erosion ; the calculation of ash erosion in the tube in turn and tube out of turn ; the reason of tube abrasion for gas flue ; the influence of air parameter for fly ash erosion ; the influence of changing temperature ; the influence of the flue gas composition , etc . next , it advances the solving measure ; reduce the flue gas velocity ; reduce the concentration of fly ash ; responsible construction : replace smooth tube with spiral tube ; use the new material of abrasion ; fuel desulfurization ; reduce so3 of flue gas ; raise flue gas temperature , making it up the dew point ; use the abrasion - resistance material to resist abrasion
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